Friday, May 30, 2008

Then VS Now

I am going to try something a little different today. I am going to look back on some posts I have done in the past and reflect.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ah, breakfast. The most important meal of the day, and the hardest meal of the day if you are a cereal addict in recovery.

I have a hard time with cereal.

First off, the choices drive me nuts. What other item, besides chips and soda, has a whole aisle all to itself? It is overwhelming! And don't get me started on taking a child down that aisle!

Cereal makes me itch. Literally, my neck starts itching like crazy! I believe I have some kind of allergy, although I have been tested for celiac disease and it came back negative.

The itching doesn't seem to stop me from overindulging though. I could probably sit and eat a whole box of cereal if I wanted to. Thankfully, I never have, but if I had I probably would have rationalized that it was OK because I was getting calcium from all that extra milk I wouldn't normally drink.

In an effort to use this time of getting healthy to face the chunky skeletons in my closet I have decided to tackle issues such as this one head on.

I have been scared of cereal for the past year and a half. I am no longer going to avoid cereal.

In order for me to actually eat breakfast it needs to be something quick. I know I am a stay at home mom, so I should have the time to make a nice hot breakfast, right? Well, the problem with that is that I am not a morning person. I do cook a nice meal of eggs or pancakes often, but it's usually for dinner. Seriously, we have breakfast for dinner at least once a week!

So, what am I doing about all of this?

The health quality of the cereal and the quantity of the cereal are my two issues. I often buy generic everything but am allowing myself a few extra $$ in the grocery budget for cereal that is high in protein and fiber.

I purchased Kashi's Autumn Harvest cereal last week. It is like a healthier version of Miniwheats. I have decided that every day after I drink my cup of coffee I will use my coffee cup to eat my cereal as well. This will allow me to get the suggested 1 cup serving and nothing more. I bought the cereal last Friday and have been enjoying my cup every morning.

I do still notice a little itchy neck syndrome but not as bad as when I would eat a mixing bowl of cereal

I know the old "if I eat breakfast then I am hungry all day" excuse gets a lot of us...

An article I found on said that a study done last year by the ADA they found that people who eat breakfast are "less likely to be overweight -- and more likely to exercise -- than non-breakfast eaters."

Take a moment to check out that article and another one with some helpful tips.

This is kind of sad but I had an issue at first with sharing my healthy cereal. I wanted Oriana to eat the generic cornflakes. Thankfully it only took about a half a second for me to compare the nutritional values on the side of the box and realize it is just as important, if not more important, for her to have the protein and fiber! She likes sharing mommy's cereal and she thinks it's fun to eat hers out of a coffee cup too!

Ori and daddy really, REALLY like Kashi cereal! I like it too, but am not so happy to admit I have NOT been doing well when it comes to making myself eat breakfast, especially these last few weeks. I have done a good job of not over doing it on the days that I do actually feel like eating cereal though. I think I may actually be over the addiction! When I think about the sugary cereals I used to over indulge in before it just doesn't sound good at all.

Since we're on the subject of my addictions...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Confessions of a Recovering Fast Food Junkie

My name is Chelle and I'm a McDonald's -aholic

That's the first step right? Admitting you have a problem.Now, I am going to skip to Step 5 of The 12 Steps

STEP 5:Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Of all the fast food places out there, McDonald's seems to be the one that my former self could not get enough of. Some of my most embarrassing confessions have to do with that particular establishment.

Some of them make me sick to my stomach just thinking about.In the name of honesty, here are a couple of my worst offenses...

  • I have often ordered two combo meals from the drive thru and ate them both. The only reason I would order two whole meals is so people would see two drinks and think I was ordering for myself and someone else. I probably super-sized them both too.
  • I would always hide the evidence. I once hid the wrapper from a fast food restaurant in one of Ori's diapers so my husband wouldn't find it. (Funny thing, he wouldn't have cared)
  • I have eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner from McDonald's in the same day more times than I can count.
  • Almost every time I had four quarters in my possession I bought a double cheeseburger.
I have sat here for a few minutes looking at those bullet points. I started about 4 or 5 times to type justifications for my behavior, to some how make my actions seem reasonable to my readers. The truth is, there is no excuse and that behavior is not normal.

I am happy to say that I am 2 months clean!

I have said many times that my goal in all this is to be able to assert self control and live a normal life while learning how to eat and behave again. I don't want to completely exclude certain foods, I want to retrain myself to be normal.

That being said, I know that I am still not ready when it comes to McD's.

Funny thing, I really don't miss it (that much).

It has been almost exactly two months since that post and still NO MCDONALDS! It gets easier and easier to leave it alone. I really haven't had much fast food of any kind since Jocie has been born. We've had Chick-fil-a a few times and Taco Bell once. We aren't even close to eating out as much as we used to. In the past it was a Friday, Saturday, Sunday thing. Not so much anymore! I mean, come on, my grilled chicken with peppers, onions, and brown rice is MUCH TASTIER!

*I know I said this already but I am stressed out about keeping track of every one's training. Please, don't hesitate to tell me if I don't have it right. I am not sure if there is an easier way for me to keep track or what but geesh! If you all weren't so motivated it would be a lot easier :)*

I got a softball game tonight at 6 p.m. I am super excited and have been thinking about it all week. I wish I could play every night!


I want 30 wall push ups right now! Get those arm pits sweating :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Comment of the Week

This week was a little bit shorter since I took Monday off but there was definitely no shortage of comments! I know normally I pick five comments to showcase but there was one that really, REALLY hit home with me and I'd like to focus on that today...

Angie said...

Michelle I am so proud of you! Sometimes I feel like I have no motivation, and when I read your blogs I feel someone understands me. I am joining curves next week to see how that pans out. (I am waiting for furniture delivery this week). TTYLAngie

First off Ang, KUDOS to you for looking into Curves. It is an excellent program! A lot of women use Curves as a platform for weight loss and end up really getting motivated to take control of their lives all the way around! I am praying that the women at your local facility would be kind and knowledgeable, but most of all sincere in their efforts to help get you going on the Highway to Health!

It really made me feel special when you said "I feel someone understands me". That is exactly the reaction I was hoping to get out of people when I started this whole thing.

I was hoping when people read some of my stories they would think to themselves, "I am not alone".

I am also hoping that as time goes by, people will also say to themselves, "If she can do it so can I."

I want people to want to get healthy.

You made me smile, Angie :)


As a shout out to good times with KELLIE - do the Cha Cha Slide :)

*Quick blurb *

I don't know if it has been obvious on my posts or not but I have been struggling with some things in my personal life. I have been trying to keep my focus here on the blog but it has been tough. I apologize if I'm not responding to comments like I have in the past. I really need to get back on that! I defintely read all the comments and totally appreciate the time you all take to leave them!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tighten Up

I am pleased to announce I have another round of changes to talk about...


When I bought my shoes over a year ago I had to buy a size 9.5 wide. Right now I am having problems with my toes hurting after running because they are hitting the front of the shoe. My mom made a good point - she said that maybe my feet aren't as wide and now they are sliding to the front when I run. I haven't had much opportunity to check out that theory as I was sidelined from running a few days after she made the comment. I think she may be right though. I have tightened up the laces and I do notice a difference just in walking around.


I am officially on the last belt notch. And even that doesn't quite feel tight enough. LOVE IT!


It took three or four times of my hear rate not registering right before I realized that it was because I needed to tighten up my chest strap. This was probably the most exciting for me out of all the areas that are changing because it seems like that spot is the hardest to see any results.


All my bras are too big. If only I had more money! Most are as tight as they can be but still, I don't think I have even one bra right now that fits me nicely. I am kind of a "bra snob" and can't just buy any bra from any store. I think I need to go to Lane Bryant and be fit again by one of their bra experts. I am a little worried that I'm not gonna have much left up top when I get to my goal weight!


I know this one sounds funny, but it's true. I bought some shades from Lane Bryant last year. They used to hurt the sides of my head and the back of my ears. Now I can't hardly keep them on my face. I even checked the screws to see if they have been loosened up that way. They are as tight as ever. I need some new shades.



List an example of something that has changed on you or in you since this blog began.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weigh Day Week 16

*Before I begin, a BIG THANKS to Angie's husband, Mike, for adding a few things to this blog for me. Among other things, you can now subscribe to the blog using the button found on the right. THANKS MIKE!*

Goal: Lose baby weight + 30 lbs

Achieved so far: Baby weight is gone!

Pre-pregnancy weight: 221.0

Weight last week: 204.4

Current weight: 202.8

Weight loss/gain since last week: -1.6

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST (not including baby weight): -18.2

I am pleasantly surprised with this weeks weigh in, considering how bad I ate this weekend. I am talking a burger, onion rings, ice cream, AND pizza, and that was just SATURDAY!

Will my weight EVER start with a 1 ??????? I am really going to work hard this week to get there!

Even though I pigged out on Saturday, I have started taking some medication that makes me not really feel like eating so I am struggling a bit lately with making myself eat. I had a few days last week where it was dinner time before I felt like I could eat. I need to do breakfast, lunch, and dinner this week!


Softball was fantastic on Friday. My new teammates are really nice. The coach is nice, too. I was 2 for 3. Two singles, one pop fly, 2 RBI's. I could definitely feel a major improvement in my swing and I know it is because I have been working out my arms. I played left, first, and catcher. We lost in the last inning 7-6.

I had a huge cheering section thanks to my honey, the Carders, and Stacy. It was so nice to look out and see friendly faces. I am excited about this weeks game already.


After sprinting around the bases Friday and feeling no discomfort whatsoever, I decided to try the ol' legs out yesterday afternoon. I took a few moments to warm up and stretch before hand. They felt really good for the first 10-15 minutes or so and then it was all downhill. Instead of just my left leg it is now both legs, although the pain isn't as bad. I had to walk the last mile or so. I stretched when I got home, iced them and took some ibuprofen. I am going to have to rest another week I think. Good thing I got, and enjoy, the Total Gym 1000. Thanks again Court and Allen!

*From Running to Training*

Way to go on completing Week One of your training! Anyone who hasn't started yet is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to get off you bum and GET YOUR TRAIN ON!! :)

Remember, I update the results at the beginning of the following day and only three days a week count. Feel free to correct me if I don't have your progress right!

Week Two calls for FIVE REPS of three minutes of walking, two minutes of jogging. Get THREE DAYS in this week!

I just want to remind you that for our race in July we will be doing one minute jogging, two minutes walking. SO, if you follow this training you will be a PRO by race day!


The Pendulum

Lie on back, arms in a T, legs straight up (I have to bend my knees), feet together, toes pointed or flexed.

Slowly lower legs (or knees) several inches to the left without touching the floor.

Return to start.

Repeat to right for one rep

Friday, May 23, 2008

Do Work and Get Your Train On!

Anyone out there ever watch Rob and Big? The only reason I am lucky enough to watch it is because for some reason we get MTV2. Funny, considering we don't have cable.

Anyway, I crack up every time Big Black says, "Do work, son!"

You all are definitely getting some work done and getting your train on! Six of you are already well on your way, walking from The Ville to Flint Town!

I am proud of you all!

A special KUDOS to Rena, who already has her three days in!!

You still have THREE days left in this week. I encourage those of you who haven't started to get up and DO WORK! Don't let this opportunity to get healthy pass you by!

*other news*

I have a softball game tonight. I am super nervous. I have thought about backing out a few times. I don't know anyone on the team. I'm not even sure who I am supposed to look for when I get there. But my love of the game is stronger than my insecurities I guess. Wish me luck!

*quick side note*

I have a three day weekend on the brain so I think I am going to take Monday off as a holiday.

Be sure to check out the schedule for Week Two! CLICK HERE



I can't do this one but do work and feel the burn!

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and your toes pointed forward.

Slowly lower your body and remember to bend slightly at your hips. Keep your weight back on your heels and your back as upright as possible. Make sure your knees don’t cross the plane of your toes.

Straighten legs and come up to the starting position to complete one rep.

Weekend Challenge:

Act like a kid this weekend!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Comments of the Week - Family Edition

Good morning!

I didn't really realize it until I was getting ready to post this, but all the Comments of the Week this week come from my family :)


Dad said...
I love ya, you are perfect in so many ways and you are allowed to be imperfect in just as many ways.

This one actually came from an e-mail I got from him yesterday. That is a great quote and I thought I'd share it with you all.

Rena said...
Hello. I am lucky enough that my church has a indoor running track so I went and did 3 miles of walking /running. (about 30 seconds running 30 seconds walking) on Monday night. NOT EASY!!!! I am struggling and not doing the 30 seconds running at each lap but I can see myself getting stronger each time, but boy it is hard.

Way to go Rena! I am so glad you are in on this and I think it will be awesome completing the race with you and your sister! When I hear someone say that they can see they are getting stronger as they train, it takes me back to when I first started running. It is amazing how quick your body figures itself out once you start training, isn't it?

Andrew said...
Hey Sis, I'm going to try to get out today to do at least three miles of jogging, but I am not sure how well my knee is going to hold up. If it feels okay, Ill end up doing six miles, but having played softball last night, I don't know how reasonable that is. Also, kudos to you for getting Ashleigh to do crunches. Seeing her do them actually got me on a regimen of my own. Since last Tuesday, I have done 1000 every morning when I get up. Its funny how inspiration trickles down like that.

First off, 100 crunches???? BLAH to you! No, I'm just kidding. I wish I could do 1000 crunches! Thanks for letting me know how you came to start doing 1000 crunches a day. It's cool how I challenged Ash and then you started doing it. Funny thing, it is kind of like a circle. Because then I hear that you are doing it because of Ash who is doing it because I me and that inspires me to keep it up.

MEchele said...
Well I am officially registered for the July 12 th race also. My training is gonna start out pretty slow as my recent surgery prevents anything too crazy but I have started walking this week, every night with my dog Porter. I figured he needs to get in shape with me. I am looking forward to the race it is what I am gonna focus on for the next couple months to help me with my food addiction.

It seems like this training came at the perfect time. AND we know I don't believe in coincidences! I wish I could be there to walk with you. I miss you. I am very, VERY proud of what you have already accomplished! I can't wait to see you in July!

Ashleigh said...
I think you are doing amazing and maybe a couple weeks of something new will be good for you.I've been doing crunches everyday (100-200 depending on how I feel) and I was getting down on myself because I haven't noticed a difference, but Andrew reminded me that they are getting a lot easier for me to do. So I guess that is something, I'll just have to keep it up to SEE more results.I'm sorry to hear about your knees, I had tendinitis in my wrist so I had to stop going to yoga, I wore a brace for a couple weeks and it got better. It has been hurting me again lately though. So I know what you're going through somewhat.Don't let it get you down, you've come so far you can't let this stop you!

Thanks for sharing that your tendinitis got better :) It makes me feel a little more hopeful. Have you measured your waist at all? Are you pants fitting better? Have you tried to tighten and feel your abs? I will probably never see a 6 pack but I definitely can feel my abs now! I notice that they are getting easier for me to do, too. Keep it up girlie!


Close-Arm Wall Push-up - 25!

Start facing wall, arms-length away, feet slightly apart, legs straight with weight on toes. Place hands on wall with pointer fingers and thumbs forming a triangle. Keep arms in line with shoulders/chest.

Bend elbows about 90 degrees and lower body toward the wall without touching it.

Straighten arms and return to starting position to complete one rep.

The further your feet are away from the wall, the more difficult this exercise will be. Also be sure not to lock knees or elbows

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What's in YOUR cupboard?

First, before I forget, I have a new instruction as far as The Race to the Starting Line goes...

When you get your training in, post a comment that only says "I got my training in".

I still want you all to post regular comments, too! I am just afraid I will miss giving someone credit and if I have you all leave a short comment like that it might be easier for me to keep track. Also, I will update the standings on my blog at the beginning of the next day.

FIVE PEOPLE so far have began their way from Louisville to Flint!

*back to post*

Read the title like those old Capital One commercials - you know, "What's in YOUR wallet?"

Back when I wanted to want to be healthier, articles about what kind of food should be in your house used to stress the heck out of me. Every time I read something about the healthy things I should be eating on a daily basis it would drive me to eat - bad food, of course.

So, when I got my monthly Parents magazine this month and saw an article entitled, "The Healthy Kitchen" I couldn't decide whether to read it, throw up, or cancel my subscription.

The article listed 36 food items that should be stocked in your "Healthy Kitchen".

I actually have 27 of those items in my kitchen right now!!!!

AND the things I don't have don't stress me out because I don't think we'd eat them anyway.

I am not going to list all the things it says you should have. I don't think these articles are a good idea. Instead of an article that throws 36 items at you they should do an item or two an issue.

I mean, come on, it always made me feel like I needed to throw all my food away and go spend a bunch of money at the store. It felt hopeless and impossible.

I did it one item at a time. And you all can too!


You may not get a chance to do this one today but maybe you can do it sometime this week...

In keeping with today's topic - try to do one of these -

Try a meal with brown rice instead of white - OR -

Try a meal with whole grain pasta - OR -

Try adding ground turkey to a meal instead of ground beef.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How We Doin'?

Day One of training is over!

If you trained yesterday, how do you feel? I would LOVE to hear about your first day, especially since I couldn't join in with you!

(Susan, thanks for the update! Go YOU!)

I know some of you may have opted for a Tues, Thurs, Sat training schedule. For those of you who did, be sure to let me know how it went when you log back in here tomorrow!

Also, if you are the type to start something and not finish it, REGISTER FOR THE RACE NOW! You'll be less likely to quit when you know you've already ponied up the dough!

A few things to remember when starting any new exercise regimen -

  1. Drink lots (AND LOTS) of water! If you notice while jogging that your side is bothering you, chances are you didn't drink enough water. Click here for 10 reasons you should drink water.
  2. Warm up / Cool Down ! I know part of the reason I am injured is because I don't take the time to do either of those. If you go outside to train, at minimum you should do something like walk around your house once at the beginning of your training and once at the end.
  3. STRETCH! Another thing I need to spend more time on. Recent studies seem to show that stretching does NOT help prevent injury. Still, there are some major benefits to stretching. This article was really interesting to me!
  4. Don't do more than your body can handle! You don't have to follow the training guide exactly how it is written. It is just a guide. If your feel sick, exhausted, dizzy, etc then you need to really sit down and modify the training plan so that you can get some training without hurting yourself. Better yet, go to your doctor and figure out a plan that works for you.

I know you all have heard all those before, probably a million times. That's because they are IMPORTANT! :)

Keep getting your train on, folks! Y'all are doing great!


Stretch that groin :)

Begin by sitting on the floor and bringing the heels as close to the groin as possible. You should not feel pain in this position, if you do feel discomfort create more space between you heels and groin.

Make a butterfly pattern with your legs in this starting position.

Use your arms to slowly push your legs and knees towards the ground. Stop if you feel any pain performing this stretch.

Be sure NOT to bounce the "butterfly wings," as this would cause damage to hips, groin, and knees. When you first begin, your heels may be a foot or two away but you will be bringing your heels in as you become more flexible

Monday, May 19, 2008

Weigh Day - Week 15 - Training Begins!

Goal: Lose baby weight + 30 lbs

Achieved so far: Baby weight is gone!

Pre-pregnancy weight: 221.0

Weight last week: 207.0

Current weight: 204.4

Weight loss/gain since last week: -2.6

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST (not including baby weight): -16.6

WHEW! I was really worried I was going to have my first ever two-week-in-a-row weight gain! That makes me feel good, especially considering that I didn't run from Wednesday on.

Honestly, I didn't really do much from Wednesday on. I tried to do some different things to get my heart rate up on Thursday and nothing really seemed to make me sweat. It's hard to get your hard rate up when your not supposed to use your legs!

Yesterday all that changed though. I got the Total Gym 1000 from some good friends and I spent 45 minutes playing with it. I also did an upper body and core routine I created on Both felt good and I am happy to have something in the house I can use. My heart rate doesn't even come close to what it reaches when I run but I am building lean muscle and that counts for something apparently :)

On to the topic of the day...

Training time is finally here!

I am super, SUPER excited to announce that 3 readers have already registered for the race. That's a good start towards my vision for a "sea of blue"!

We're a puddle :oD

Anyone who still needs to check out the training schedule or wants to register needs to CLICK HERE

This weeks training commitment is only 1 HOUR for the WHOLE WEEK!

You can totally do it folks!

Don't forget about my Race to the Starting Line Challenge!
Be sure to update me on your progress...if you don't, I'll hunt you down!

*Softball / Tball Update*

My update for softball is easy...

The game was cancelled because the fields were yucky :( *tear*

Ori still got to play though!!

Her and Elena did so good. They listened to the coach, hit the ball, chased the ball, had a ball. I am so proud of them.

Ori was the first up to bat for her team. The first time she went up she hit the ball and then kind of freaked out. I don't blame her though. The coach for the other team has a kind of different strategy - everyone goes for the ball. So she hit it and it landed a few feet in front of her, and the whole opposing team came charging at the ball.

Her next at bat was much more successful!

Here are some more pics from the game!

I cut Coach Troy's head off. She told me she thought he was handsome!

Had to get a pic of her tail :)

I call this the Second Inning Stretch :)

Sportsmanship is key!

Teammates for life!

Jocie can't wait until it's her turn to play!


I got an email from Sparkpeople that said "Whittle away those love handles!" Of course, that got my attention.

Here is the exercise they were talking about...

Love Handle Exercise

Have a great day, and get your train on!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Are You Ready Y'all?

First, thanks to all of you for bearing with me yesterday.

I was a whiny baby and somebody should have called a waaaaahmbulance. So, I can't run for two weeks. It's not like I lost a foot and can never walk again.

I appreciate every one's encouragement. I felt like if I would have been around some of you in person yesterday you would have smacked me across the face and told me to snap out of it (and rightly so). I was definitely not out fishing for compliments but they came and made me feel better.

I did some weight training, stretching, and ab/core training as well as about 15 minutes of Tae Bo (upper body only). I learned a few new variations of crunches and I know I'll be hurting at work today (cleaning with my friend again).

My heart rate never got over 85 but my arms and abs felt the burn and I'll take it.

OK, OK, I agree - enough about yesterday...


Training starts on Monday!

Who's doing it?

I need names people! I need to know!

Since I am not allowed to run for the next two weeks I need to live through you all. Will someone please run for me? Please????????

For those of you who need a little incentive ($$$$) I am happy to announce a new contest ...


The distance between my house and the starting line of the Flint Journal Catch Your Breath 5K is a little over 430 miles.

Let's see who can walk/jog their way!

Participants will start out in Louisville, Kentucky. For every day that you train, you will move 18 miles closer to the starting line in Flint, Michigan.

(Why 18 miles? 430 miles / 24 potential training days = almost 18)

The training guide calls for you to get in three days a week for eight weeks.

You are encouraged to exercise more than three days a week, but I will only count three days.

The person closest to the starting line on the Friday before the race will be the winner. The winner will receive a Subway gift card!

If more than one person makes it all the way to the finish line then more than one person will receive a gift card!

As a reminder...

Week One requires you to pick three days in which you will train for twenty minutes. On those days you will walk for FOUR minutes and jog for ONE minutes. You will repeat that FOUR TIMES.

*short side story*

Ori started t-ball last night!! Her and her BFF Elena were so cute. There was one point Coach Troy was trying to explain to them how to get down and be ready for the ball and Ori totally looked like she was doing the Cha Cha Slide -

"Hands on your knees! Hands on your knees!"

Their first game is Saturday!

My first co-ed league game is tonight! I am tres tres nervous!

Daily and Weekend Challenge:

Register for the race! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!

If you can't make it - find a race on and register!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bad News, Good News

Comments of the Week will return next week. I've got issues to work through today. Sorry, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon.

For a few weeks now I have had an annoying sensation in the back of my left knee. While running on Saturday I realized that it has gone from annoying to pretty uncomfortable. I also noticed while attempting to run this morning that it is starting up behind my right knee also.

After five days of trying to "run through it" I decided I needed to get it checked out.

The diagnosis - tendinitis.

WebMD defines tendinitis as "an inflammation or irritation of the tendon, a thick cord that attaches bone to muscle."

There are many causes for tendinitis but I am sure the reason for mine is a combination of lack of stretching and overuse.

It's not a huge deal,right? It's nothing some ice, anti-inflammatory medication, and two weeks off running can't fix.


Yep, you read it right. No running, biking, or even aggressively walking, for two weeks.

I acted like it was no big deal while in the doctor's office but after I left I immediately when into "depressed mode" (no, not Depeche Mode). I cried on the way home. I sat on the couch and did nothing until Octavio called and said he was on his way home. I asked him to pick up something for dinner because I didn't feel like cooking. BLAH!

Thankfully, my husband had enough sense to get me a grilled chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A. If I had went out on my own to get dinner it would have been either-

  • Pizza and bread sticks
  • Chinese
  • McDonald's

Most likely it would have been option number 3 and I haven't had McDonald's since January 28th.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, honey, for stopping on the way home and saving me from myself!

My mind is really having a hard time accepting this restriction. I would like to say that the pity party won't last but I don't know if it will or not. The only thing keeping my weight off is running. Nothing else has ever gotten my heart rate up high enough.

What am I going to do without it for two weeks?????

Dr. S did suggest a few other activities to help keep me doing cardio. He said I should try a row machine or swimming. Swimming would be great, but since I don't really have access to a pool, I put an e-mail plea out to my friends here in Louisville last night asking if anyone had a row machine that I could borrow.

Court e-mailed me back pretty quickly to let me know they'd be happy to loan me their Total Gym 1000 for a few weeks. I can't wait for Octavio to go get it!

I also found this Tae Bo DVD with 30 intense 1-minute Workouts. I'll focus on the upper body workouts of course.

My gut might grow in the next few weeks but my arms will be HUGE, too! :)

The good thing is that tendinitis is curable. I don't have to deal with it forever. I have to listen to the doctor and behave. If I don't, I'll be out even longer.

I now have two weeks to implement some new things into my workout routine. I need to focus on stretching before I work out. I need to do a few jumping jacks, get my legs warmed up a little, then stretch my legs before I pound the pavement. I also need to find some things to do on my off days to get cardio in every day without running every day.

I'll be on the look out for a stationary bike while hustlin' this weekend.

Enough about that...

Now for my good news...

I got my lab results back and I am SO SO proud of myself.

My good cholesterol stayed the same. It is about 10 points lower than they'd like to see it but the doctor says I am doing all I can and he's happy with that.

My bad cholesterol was alright in 2006 but I still decreased it by 30 points!

My total cholesterol was in range in 2006 but close to being high. It decreased 70 points!

My biggest change was in my triglycerides -

2006 - 281

Doc wanted them below 150

2008 - 76 !!!!!!!


I should be hearing from my financial guy regarding reapplying for my life insurance tomorrow.

Bring it on!


An upper body challenge of course :)

Begin lying face down on a mat, arms at your sides, palms facing the ceiling.

Make sure your neck is in a neutral position.

Keeping body stationary and arms straight (but not locked) lift the palms up toward the ceiling as high as comfortably possible. Hold for 2-3 counts.

Lower to starting position to complete one rep. Make sure your arms stay in line with the shoulder.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life's Race

What started out as me searching this week to find out what the Bible says about exercising, turned into a whole different thing.

Here's how I started...

Everyone always goes back to 1 Corinthians 6:19, so I began there.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;"

We should take great care of our body as it is the place where God's Holy Spirit dwells within us. We should take great care of the place in which God lives! I know this but I wanted to go a little deeper, to get a little more specific.

Here's what I found:

1 Timothy 4:8 -

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

Clearly this verse tells us that godliness takes priority over physical training. Note that it doesn't tell us that physical training has no value; in fact, it tells us there is some value to it. I kind of knew that already :) but it was nice to be reaffirmed.

Another passage I found interesting is 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. It was after reading this verse that this post became more about "Running Life's Race" and less about exercise.

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”

That particular scripture reminded me of a video we watched during bible study last year...

The teacher was talking about the zeal of Elijah and while he was talking the screen showed a pair of bare feet, running fast, pounding in the dirt. I don't remember everything he said but the point was that we should be running life's race in such a way that when we reach the end we have absolutely nothing left to give.

This got me thinking...

Remember the race I ran in April? My goal was to feel physically spent at the end and I achieved that goal. I had to go over to a bush and puke once I was done.

I have also ran races and felt so good at the end that I couldn't help but wonder if I gave it my all.

Paul is calling us to "run in such a way as to get the prize". To me that means giving it all you have and then pushing yourself further.

I am SO not doing that right now. That disappoints me.

When I meet Jesus in Heaven I want to collapse in front of Him not only because of His Might, but because I have used all my life, all my power to glorify Him. I want to bow my head to Him not only because His Beauty is more than my eyes can handle, but because I have used all my strength serving Him in my life and am too weak to lift my head.

Man, I got nothing else to say on that...

Here are a few other verses I found regarding exercise for those who haven't tuned me out completely :)

Ephesians 5:29 tells us to take care of our bodies -

"After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it..."

2 Peter 1:5-7 reminds us to assert self control - that was a big thing for me. I never really used self control when eating.

"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love"

As a side note, we are warned quite a bit about vanity -

1 Samuel 16:7 -

"But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Proverbs 31:30 -

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."


Thanks for reading!


Be a Genie :)

Kneel on a mat or rolled-up towel with feet together, knees slightly apart.

Cross arms over chest.

Keep your abs tight and back straight as you lean backward. Pause.

Lean forward to return to start.

If your back hurts, do not lean back as far. You can also have a partner hold your feet for support.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Focus Week

Alrighty y'all, it's Focus Week.

Training for the July 12th 5K race in Flint, Michigan begins on Monday, May 19th. That is one week from yesterday.

Are you all geared up? Is your mind right?

For me, preparing for a race is just as much mental as it is physical. I have to get my mind in it in order to succeed.

The best way for me to do that is to visualize the race in my mind. I look up the course and check to see if there are any hills. I look to see how many people are going to be there. I paint a picture in my brain of me running at full speed towards the end. All these things pump me up and get me focused and ready for success.

Here is an excerpt from a previous post, where I discussed my vision for this race -

Here is my vision for this race:

My readers and I all meet at a specified location at 7 a.m. for a little pre-race pep rally. We are all sporting blue t-shirts of some kind, not necessarily matching but somewhat uniformed. We register for the race, and take a place at the start line. We are all smiling and probably sweating already since it is July.

We all know that at no point will we feel alone, ashamed, or embarrassed. Since we have all made a pre-race pact to "Finish Together and Finish Strong" there is no anxiety from those who have never done this before. There is strength in numbers so we will be strong!

We will have all agreed to some sort of goal before hand, something like two minutes walking, one minute jogging (subject to change:) so we all know what to expect and what is expected of us. Again, since we are going to "Finish Together and Finish Strong" we will know that every time that one minute of jogging comes up we can do it!

The one minute of jogging will be a very slow and steady pace. Since the true goal is to "Finish Together and Finish Strong" their isn't competition amongst this group. We are one!

The two minutes off will not only be a time to get our heart rates in check but to celebrate the fact that we all just ran together for one whole minute! Every one minute of jogging will be filled with determination. Each two minutes of walking will be full of celebration.

Our eyes will be on the prize as the finish line approaches. The sea of blue (or lake or pond or puddle, depending on the number of participants) will pick up the pace a little and crash against the shoreline as one and the race will be complete! (sorry for the water metaphors but we are sure to be sweaty)

We break out into loud cheers at our accomplishments and head off to Subway to continue our celebration! After lunch everyone heads home for a shower and probably a nap!

I got an e-mail from the event coordinator over the weekend and guess what??

Online registration is now available HERE!

You should begin WEEK ONE of the training on Monday, May 19th.

You will be following the 5k Walk/Jog schedule FOUND HERE.

WEEK ONE will require just one hour of your time, split up throughout the week into three twenty minute sessions. Not so bad, right? If you are a list maker or a schedule oriented person, I encourage you to pencil the time in NOW so that you already have it planned.

I encourage you to find a partner to train with. It could be a co-worker, a spouse, a sibling, whatever. I would love to meet old and new friends on race day morning. You could also find a virtual training partner on here.

What do I mean?

Say Cheri says she is going to train on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Those days just happen to work for you, too. Swap numbers and check on each other.

For those of you who really want the accountability, feel free to e-mail me and give ME your number. I won't hound you but I will definitely commit to checking up on you!

On Friday I will be announcing another contest! ARE YOU READY????


Do some light stretching right now. Don't be agressive. Touch your toes. Reach both arms in the air. Feel your body getting ready to train!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Weigh Day Week 14 Boo! Hiss! Boo!

Goal: Lose baby weight + 30 lbs

Achieved so far: Baby weight is gone!

Pre-pregnancy weight: 221.0

Weight last week: 204.6

Current weight: 207.0

Weight loss/gain since last week: +2.4

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST (not including baby weight): -14.0

Funny how just two weeks ago I was happy to see that number on the scale. This week, not so happy.

Honestly, I can still feel the culprit for this weight gain in my tummy...

...Good ol' Chuckwagon Chili Mac n Cheese :)

Yesterday was a cold, blustery day and I just had to make something hearty for dinner. Every time I took I bite I knew I was not going to be happy in the morning.

Why,do you ask, did I cook dinner at all considering yesterday was Mother's Day?

Because I got one heck of a Mother's Day gift!!!

Glass top and self cleaning - what more could a girl ask for?

What a great gift!

My man is the greatest! There was quite a bit of hassle that went into what was supposed to be a fairly easy swap out. My old stove was a drop in stove built into the cabinetry. The new one was definitely a MAJOR UPGRADE, don't you think?

Thanks to papa for helping him tear out the old stove, for going to Lowe's to get the new stove, for taking the stove from Lowe's back because it was damaged, for trying to cut a deal with the Lowe's manager for the hassle, for going to Home Depot and getting another stove, and for talking the manager into another 10% off the floor model!

The pans on top were a special gift from Nana and Papa and just make the whole thing that much cooler!

The best present I got though, was a hand made card from Ori (with Nana's assistance). She lists the reasons why she loves me and then draws pictures.

Here are her reasons -

I love my girlies!

*Zoo Race Update*

Mom, dad, Octavio and I all ran the Norton Healthcare Throo the Zoo 5k on Saturday morning. This was both my Mother's and Father's Day gift to my parents. It was fun running with my parents.

My mom asked at one point during the race if we ever thought we'd all be running a race together (thought I was gonna talk about "where, where???!!??!!! didn't ya ma?). The answer - NO!

But I am so thankful that that is the place we are all at right now. It is cool to all be on the same wagon!

My dad finished just under 37 minutes and mom and I crossed right at 37! Way to go us!

As if the morning wasn't perfect enough already, my mom and I both won prizes during the post race drawing! Mom won some Asics running shorts which she so kindly gave to me, and I won some Asics socks and two tickets to a Louisville Bats game!

Dad took this picture of mom and I after the race -

Octavio didn't stick with us slow pokes :) He did AMAZING!! He finished 5th in his age group and his mile pace was 6:57!!!!!!!!! That is like running over 8.5 miles per hour! My man! ;)

I need to get my mind re-focused this week. There were quite a few reasons (besides the chili mac) for the weight gain this week, including:

  • pms
  • major lack of motivation due to pms
  • major snacking due to pms
  • pms

This week I am going to due lots of incline training on the treadmill and lots of light weight training for my arms. I think I am going to do more than my schedule requires. I really need a boost and I think uping my activity is just the thing to do it.

I say that and then I say this...

Running has been a little difficult on my legs these past few days, specifically behind my knees and my right hip. It's not so much pain as it is tightness. I'm not sure what the deal is but I am in tune with the issue and will keep a close eye on it!

Challenge :

Strengthen those hips, people!

Stand with your feet slightly apart, toes forward, hands on hips or one hand on a wall/chair for support. Shift your weight to right leg, keeping your knee slightly bent and your spine straight.

Exhale and gradually lift the left leg, keeping it bent at 90 degrees. Lift your knee as high as possible, trying to get your thigh parallel to floor or higher. Hold here for 2 counts.

Inhale and slowly lower your leg to ground without letting foot rest on the floor. Complete all reps and switch sides. Make sure you don't lean back when lifting your leg.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Blood and Races

*The following paragraph has nothing to do with health and was added after this post was originally published*

Did anyone see Survivor last night??? Erik, Erik, Erik...poor naive boy!! I can not believe that you gave up your necklace! James was right, he no longer is the Dumbest Survivor in History. You hold that title now, all by yourself!

*back to original posting*

Sorry for the kind of late post. This one's gonna be kind of short and all over the place.

Octavio is upstairs waiting for me to finish this so we can clean the house together. Since he is off every Friday now we have decided to make a habit of doing the deep cleaning together. He gets the floors and the tub, I do the rest :)

I went to the doctor this morning to have blood drawn and to get a physical.

He was very happy with my progress over the past to years. He kept flipping through his chart and saying "Between the beginning of 2006 and now things are looking great."

My weight in January of 2006 was 256 - today on their scale it was 207!

(I weigh myself naked for my weekly weigh in's y'all - what a picture you all must be having)

I am hoping that the labs come back much better than they did two years ago so that I can reapply for my life insurance and get a better premium. I should get the results sometime in the next week or so.

*to the zoo*

Octavio, my parents, and I are all running the 5k Throo the Zoo tomorrow. My parents are I are going to run together as a Mother's Day / Father's Day thing. I am excited to run with both of them and I know it will be fun...


I have a great friend from church scheduled to watch the girlies. Last night however, Oriana decided to get a runny nose. She is pretty stuffy. She doesn't have a fever and the snot is all clear. It only seems to bother her when she is trying to sleep (we all know that feeling).

Octavio says if he has to not run then he won't run but I already paid $28 for him to run!! :)

I am hoping I can think of someone who will maybe meet us up at the zoo and just sit with the girls there for the 20ish minutes it will take Octavio to finish the race.



50 Jumping Jacks! (sorry, I'm not creative this morning)

Weekend Challenge:

50 Jumping Jacks Saturday and Sunday, too!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Comments of the Week

Good morning friends!

Before I go into the Comments of the Week I wanted to let you all know that I was thinking of you all yesterday while I was running.

My treadmill cuts off somewhere around 5.4 mph, so I have been increasing the incline during treadmill workouts to maximize my calorie burning ability. Yesterday I burned the most calories I have ever burned in 30 minutes!!

We went to Applebee's last night to celebrate Octavio's 32nd birthday. All day long all I could think about was steak and riblets :) I had the turkey bacon ciabatta instead!! The (kinda) good thing was that the bread was not that great, so I ended up just eating the turkey and bacon. I did much better than I planned on doing and am happy for myself.

Now, for the Comments of the Week...

It was exciting this week to have so many comments to choose from! Thanks so much to all my readers for continuing to ride along with me on this journey!

Lynea said...
when i read your blog today i actually had a tear run down my cheek. i'm such a sap. :) maybe its because i totally have that pair of jeans collecting dust and being so happy that you dusted yours off. all the while listening to that beautiful song by third day! keep up the great work michelle. :)

Oh, Lynea, you are a sap! Don't let those jeans collect dust any longer! I know you have ventured to the gym a few times recently. Don't forget about how good you feel after you go! You'll feel that good x's 100 when those jeans are ready to be dusted off! Notice I say WHEN! I was also happy to read that you listened to the Third Day clip I posted. That song is amazing and I was glad to read that it stirred up the same type of emotion in you that it does in me! Thanks for reading, Lynea!

Terri said...
Just read your blog. I also use to worry if people would like me, and if they didn't I could come up with all kinds of reasons why they didn't, beating myself up. ( In my eyes if they didn't pursue me as a friend I took it that they didn't like me)

It took me a long time to realize that it wasn't if people liked me or not, most of the time people are just self absorbed and just trying to do things in there life for them self's. Also everyone is so different not every body likes everybody not because anything is wrong with them they just have different interest.

If some one is so shallow to judge someone without even knowing them do you really want them as a friend anyways.

(Repeat this to yourself) I am a wonderful person and if some one doesn't like me than it is there loss, and mean it!!!!!.

Also instead of thinking do they like me, think do I like them.

Once you can do this it will help with the panic feelings, I know this because I was you.

I know you are a wonderful person!!!!

I love you,

I loved all the advice in this e-mail, especially the part where Terri tells me to think "Do I like them". Also, it was a great point stating that not all people like all people. That is definitely something I need to start realizing!

LaVonda said...
You are doing awesome!!!! I'm so jealous of your progress, I"m not seeing much of it...except that I'm not trying hard enough. So, your progress let's me know I need to do more. Thanks for the challenges and encouragement! Love ya!!

I absolutely appreciate knowing that I am pushing you but you should not be jealous of my progress LaVonda! Think of all the progress you have made this year. Don't sell yourself short. You killed your previous times in both the 10K and the 10 mile. Continue letting the injury heal!

(One of the reasons I chose your comment as one of the comments this week is so that if I ever get to a point where I am injured I can look back on my own advice and hopefully take it!)

Samantha said...
I actually had the opposite problem when I got to Thinville ... some old friends (that had moved away) became jealous when I got out of my shell and made new local friends. When I started dating Stephen, two of them blew up separately at me because I wasn't as available to them, and both felt the need to point out that "I was your friend when you were fat" – insinuating that being my friend when I was fat was an awful ordeal, and that I owed them somehow for it.

This comment sparked so many different thoughts in my head I don't know where to begin.

First, I wanted to say that I am so happy I asked your mother for your e-mail address a few years back even though I was worried that you could care less to hear from me. I appreciate our friendship! I love knowing that even though you are busy with your life and I am busy with mine, in a short e-mail or quick blog comment we can reconnect, even if it's just for a brief moment.

Second, it made me realize how glad I am that I rid myself of selfish, shallow friends a long time ago and am surrounded by people who are happy for me and for my progress. It is nice for me to know that no matter what new people think of me I have a gazillion friends who have already accepted me for who I am.

Thanks for sharing, Sam !

MEchele said...
Boy your post has really hit home with me. You are so right on some points you made about hiding behind the fat. Thanks for bringing this to my attention now so that I too can begin to work on this before the problem may start. As always your post are so inspiring !!! love ya MEchele

A week after surgery and already back on here showing me some love and leaving me some comments! You are amazing, Michele. I look forward to reading your blog and getting insights from you as you continue to grow by losing :)

Thanks for ALL of the comments this week and don't forget to show me some love!


Do the Banana!

Lie on floor with legs together, arms extended overhead, belly button pulled in toward spine.

Keeping head between arms, slowly raise upper body and legs off floor to form a gentle bananalike curve.

Hold for a slow 30 counts

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Continuation...

First things first...

Happy, happy birthday BABY!

You're getting old but I still love you!

So what happened after I worried all night about whether the girls I would be working with would like me or not?

I was really nervous when I got to the first job Friday morning. My friend, the boss, wasn't going to be there right at 8 a.m. so I had to go on in and meet the girls alone.

They were kids!

One was 20, the other 22. (The third girl showed up with the boss and was a little older than me).

OK, so I am not much older than that, but seriously, no matter how insecure I am I really don't care what any kids but my own kids think of me :)

Of course, I was my usually funny self and it only took about an hour for me to come out of my shell. The "kids" were sweet, young and cocky, but sweet.

I actually called the younger one out on an insecurity of her own. She is pretty loud and I jokingly told her she uses her mouth as a front. She laughed for a sec and then told me that actually I was right. She said she was scared to meet me this morning because the boss had talked highly of me and when she gets nervous she gets loud :) Funny, huh?

*completely different subject*

I got a call last night from the organizer of the coed softball team I signed up for. She didn't seem all that friendly but we'll see. I love the game and hope some crab apple doesn't ruin it for me.

I am kind of excited to see how my lifestyle change has affected my game. I wonder if the weight training has improve my arm and my batting skillz. I know it will be easier for me to run the bases! I used to joke and say that if I wasn't so slow I would actually have a lot of home runs under my belt. Like I said, we'll see.

*topic change*

I hit the health food jackpot last night. Ori and I were on our way to Walmart to get some groceries and I decided to check out a local salvage store that's on the way. The store owner hooks up with companies and buys dented cans, crushed boxes, etc. I found my Pria bars for .10 a piece! I also got a couple of South Beach products to try since they were like 75% less than the normal price.

*another completely different subject*

I watched Hell's Kitchen last night. I really, really got annoyed at one of the girls. She was saying that one of the other contestants was slow during food prep and that the reason she was slow is because she was overweight. I could tell by the way the girl said it that she has an issue with overweight people.

First off, I didn't really think the girl was that overweight. There is another girl in the kitchen who I think is comparable to her size-wise. She probably was the biggest of the girls but not by much and she definitely wasn't what I would call morbidly obese.

Secondly, I'm not 100% sure how some one's weight would make them slow at food prep. Did her chubby fingers impair her chopping abilities? Did her fat rolls knock food off of the counter and onto the floor on numerous occasions? Give me a break already!!

AND this same girl who doesn't care for fat people gets into a hot tub in her bra and undies on national television to seduce one of the guys so that she can blind and distract him and win the contest.

I'll take fat over skanky any day.



Put em up, put em UP!

Shadow box!

Try to imagine a stressor while you are punching.

Give me two minutes and show them no mercy!

I'll be beating the crap out of GAS PRICES, or maybe Ms. Thang from Hell's Kitchen!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Big Fat Security Blanket

Somewhere along the road on the Highway to Health I must have missed the road sign that warns "Caution: Major Self Doubt Ahead".

As this new person emerges so does a whole new set of insecurities.

It's like Healthy Me is driving the car ahead of me and I notice that her trunk is stuffed with just as much baggage as mine is. (The trunk of her car...not her "trunk"!)

I have reminded myself a million times that losing weight doesn't make life easier yet I still get disappointed when losing weight doesn't make like easier.

The latest example...

I told you all yesterday that I worked with a friend on Friday. She owns her own cleaning business and cleans both commercial and residential properties. I have worked with her in the past on occasion and have always enjoyed myself. After all, cleaning is one of my favorite things to do!!

When I called her on Thursday to find out when/where to meet she told me that I would be working with her and three other girls. I immediately started to panic.

My stomach hurt. I felt a little light-headed. I wanted to puke.

I was so nervous about meeting these girls. It was like the first day at a new school or starting a new job. Not only was I nervous but I was mad at myself for being nervous. I mean, seriously, I can clean the heck out of some house y'all, so what's the big freakin' deal?

Octavio was at the Third Day concert and the girls were both in bed by 8 p.m. so I had ALL of Thursday night so sit and think about what the problem really was. Once it hit me I was pretty surprised...

I was nervous because I wasn't fat.


I know that sounds a little silly, but hear me out -

Before, that was my thing, my shtick. I was the fat girl.

And if you didn't like me, it was because I was fat and that's your fault, not mine.

The problem was always someone else's fault, the way they saw me, them discriminating against me just because of my weight. That was my security blanket. I had fat to fall back on. My being fat may have been the cause of a lot of hardships but it was also my excuse to escape reality sometimes.

So what happens if someone doesn't like me now? What's my excuse?

It's a scary world over there in Thinville. I am still on the outskirts of the city, kind of peeking through a whole in the fence. It seems like every 10 or 15 minutes there is a tractor driving by heading back to the Fat Farm and it takes a lot of talking to myself to keep me from climbing aboard and heading back.

*on to something else*

I love it when I read something that confirms my own advice or approach. I got the information below in an e-mail from Just yesterday I updated my layout to include five simple ways to get your heart rate up. Almost all of them are listed in the article below :)

Another Fitness Myth Debunked

Somewhere along your journey to fitness, whether in the gym, reading the latest books, or talking with your friends, you'll hear a lot of advice about exercise--not all of which is true.

Fitness Myth
If you can't exercise hard and often, there's really no point.

Even moderate activity is shown to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you don't have 30 minutes in your day to exercise, try splitting it up into 10-minute segments instead.

Everyone can find 10 minutes to spare sometime during the day! There are simple things you can do to increase your activity without having to go to the gym: take the stairs instead of the elevator, jump rope or do body weight exercises (push ups, crunches) at commercial breaks, take a short walk after lunch. Remember that any exercise is better than none!

Love it!

For all my Crunch Companions out there here's an excerpt from another e-mail I received -

SparkPeople Experts Answer Your Fitness Questions


What can I do to lose weight in my stomach? I've been doing lots of crunches but they don't seem to help.

Expert Answer:

There is no way to target weight loss to a specific area of the body because your body decides where it wants to put on weight and where it wants to take it off. The midsection is a common "problem" area for many people. The best way to lose fat is through cardiovascular exercise. It is important to do a variety of abdominal exercises (including crunches) to keep your core strong, but until that excess fat is gone, you will not see the muscle definition. So if you're not doing cardio, crunches are not going to help get the 6-pack you've been hoping for. Regular cardio exercise at a level that's challenging for you is your best bet.

Exercise Extra:

"Apple" shapes (fat storage around the belly) have been shown to have a higher risk of certain cardiovascular diseases, whereas storing fat in your lower half, known as a "Pear" shape, is actually a healthier site for fat accumulation.

*Final Note of the Day*

Don't forget to check out Susan and MEchele's blogs!

Susan has began a challenge contest of her own and MEchele has posted her first post after gastric bypass surgery!!


Here is a new core exercise for you! Do the DOLPHIN!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Weigh Day Week 13 - Unlucky??

Goal: Lose baby weight + 30 lbs

Achieved so far: Baby weight is gone!
Pre-pregnancy weight: 221.0

Weight last week: 207.0

Current weight: 204.6

Weight loss/gain since last week: -2.4

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST (not including baby weight): -16.4

Oh yeah! Celebrate with me y'all!

I have passed the halfway point! I have less than 15 lbs to lose! WOOHOO!

Considering my big time struggles earlier this week AND the fact that I still have my monthly friend visiting, I am one happy gal!

*jealous alert - don't hate when you hear how spoiled I am*

I was really stressed about the weigh in last night. My weekly Sunday night foot rub was just what I needed to melt all the stress away. My man in DA MAN!

I actually did really well on Friday and throughout the entire weekend.

I went and worked for a friend on Friday. She has her own cleaning business and cleans some (HUGE) houses here in Louisville (one of the houses was for the Border family, as in Border's bookstore).

I packed a nice healthy lunch - a turkey sandwich on whole grain with mustard and provolone, an apple, carrots, a cheese stick, and some gum and mints. Five of us were piled into a Volvo and around noon they decided to "get some grease" as they put it. Where did they want to stop??? You guessed it, my "Golden Arch" nemesis.

Did I partake???


I have worked too hard to sabotage myself this late in the game!

I took my own advice - I started reciting my goals to myself -

What am I doing this for?
  • To have a healthy life for myself

  • To promote healthy living for my kiddos

  • To inspire others to live a healthy life

I want me and my family to continue to look this good!

When I got home Friday afternoon I was starving. We had some yummy citrus chipotle turkey fajitas and a nice relaxing evening at home. It was raining and stormy and it felt good just to be home and chill.

Saturday was rough for me. I was suffering from the worst PMS symptoms I have ever had. We attempted to go shop for a few home decor items on our list but of course nothing was good enough for HELLthy Chelle :)

Saturday was a running day and I SO was not feeling it...until I remembered that my awesome cousin Kristol sent me a new toy in the mail...

I finally own an MP3 player!

So much cooler than the Walkman I have been using!

She even got me one of those carrying cases that goes on your arm. I have been stuffing that bulky Walkman in my bra for almost two years now. I can't believe it still works.

So, I used my new MP3 player on Saturday and hit a new PR on my route. Coincidence? Me thinks not!

We went to the Derby Part at church on Saturday. I did a good job of not pigging out. They key was not to get there until about an hour before the actual Derby, then you don't spend the whole afternoon snacking. Susan taught me how to play DDR and although I still stink at it (my best grade was a D) I got my heart rate up for a second or two. I look forward to being invited over to her house to practice (hint, hint Susan).

Yesterday was just a plain ol' good day. We did church, had a nice lunch, and spent some time on the couch reading the paper. Leslie called at about 3:30 p.m. and although it was an off day I chose to go run with her.

I impressed myself with my physical activity last week -

  • 12 miles in 2 hours and 14 minutes

  • 1800 calories burned

  • 700 crunches

  • 50 push ups
  • 1 jump rope workout

  • resistance band training

  • ball training

I am proud of me!

So close to the 100's ... will it ever get here?????

Just give me a few more weeks!!


Try these and FLY!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Heart Crunches !

First off - a few adorable random pics from our zoo trip yesterday -

And now for a quick reminder -

The 19th of May is fast approaching.

Do you have your goals written down? Are you reminding yourself of them daily?

I received an email from the event coordinator for the race in July. The site should be updated soon and registration should be available online next week.

*a quick story not related to anything health wise*

My hubby talked to a celebrity on the phone yesterday!

Octavio called our friend Chris to find out about going to the Third Day concert and Chris tells him to hold on. He hands the phone to someone else and Mac Powell gets on the phone and invites Octavio to last night's concert.

Mac Powell is the lead singer of Third Day. Their songs ROCK!

After the concert Octavio got to meet the band!

Here's a pic of him with Third Day
(and Chris, Leslie, and Scott, too)!

*back to health and on to my new achievement*
Any of you readers out there have a pair of "goal jeans"?

You know, the ones that don't fit but you can't seem to get rid of them. They are either brand new and you bought them too small on purpose or you used to be able to wear them way back when.

No matter where you got them, now they are sitting in your closet collecting dust.

Guess what?


So, I have been able to put them on a couple of times in the past few years but earlier this week was the first time in FIVE YEARS that I can put them on without having a muffin top!


They are a size 16 and I have been in a size 16 for a while, but these jeans are pre "stretch era" jeans.

Oh yeah, these babies are 100% cotton, no spandex, no stretch!



Do 50 crunches. You read that right - 5 to the 0 - 50!

Weekend Challenge:

Do 50 crunches Saturday and Sunday too!

I am mean! Muahahahahahahaha!

Comments of the Week

Here is the second installment of this new weekly post...

I am having fun going back and reading through my blogs to find my top five comments of the week. It gives me an opportunity to reflect and also a chance to re-boost my ego by reading all your kind comments :)

I have noticed that I have some very, VERY faithful readers who comment on here daily! I appreciate your commitment to me and to my blog. I am humbled by it as well.

Here goes -

*drum roll*

MJL said...
Hey Chelle, Your Pops' is absolutely right. Other people will notice how good you look, but you will not. It's crazy. I have been so frustrated with my workouts (however your blog does help with motivation - Thanks). This past weekend I went home to visit my family in New Jersey and everyone was like, "Oh my god, you look so thin". My mom thought I was sick. I'm thinking the whole time how chunky I am. It's crazy, but good at the same time. I think it's always a good thing when you are your worst critic. for the record I always think you look great! That father of yours is a pretty smart guy.

Thanks for the compliment MJL. You're right, my pops' is smart and I am my worst critic. I tried hard this week to not dissect myself every time I passed a mirror. I still need to work on graciously taking compliments. I tend to shy away or shoot them down. I need to be thankful that other people notice my hard work. I need to stand confidently when someone says something about my progress, look them straight in the eyes, and tell them I am blessed to have people around me who care enough to tell me that I'm doing a good job getting healthy. So glad you're back to blogging MJL!

Heather said...
First off congrats on keeping your pounds off for an entire week! That's great! I love the picture of the hot air balloons outside your window, that is absolutely beautiful. Keep up the good work Michelle!

Heather, I appreciate you taking the time to congratulate me and encouraging me. FYI - I got an email from the event planner for the race in Michigan and he says should be updated sometime this week. I'll be sure to pass the link on when registration is open! Thanks again Heather!

Leigh Ann said...
"Leave being perfect to the people that believe the lies they tell other people about themselves." I love this quote! Thanks for your encouragement that I'm making progress in my healthy living. I'm not failing by any means, but taking baby steps. Thanks for reminding me of that as well as the fact that I'm normal and we all have bad days!Many kudos to you for not giving in to a slump after your Thin Mints snack. You fell off the wagon, and then you chased the stinkin' wagon and climbed back aboard! You ROCK!

I love the quote, too! It is partly stolen, then modified to show my style :) When I first say the quote a few years ago it said "Don't believe the lies you tell other people about yourself". When I was writing my blog yesterday that quote popped into my mind and I knew I could spice it up for the blog. I loved it when you said I "chased the stinkin' wagon". I did do that, didn't I?

Cheri said...
WTG Michelle, Keep up all the good work! You made me feel like it was OK to drink my Monster this morning :) LOL Now I'll be chasing that wagon for the next week.Sorry to be short today, I hope your cousin is doing great!

Cheri, I noticed you left a comment on my cousin's site. I appreciate that and it makes me happy to call you 'friend'. You have a kind heart and a great spirit. I map quested the city you'll be at. Looks like it's a little over two hours away. We should find a place to meet up half way :)

As far as the Monster goes, it seemed like yesterday's blog sparked confessions from just about everyone who read it, even my friends who have to email me comments because they can't get on the site.

Peter said...
Now I don’t feel so bad about digging into that box of Cheez-Its at 3 am this morning, haha!

Case in point :)

Thanks for the comment Peter! It makes me feel good to know that even you skinny people snack in the middle of the night once in a while!


I hit a pretty neat goal this week and am excited to share it with you all tomorrow!

I am getting up early tomorrow to work with a friend for the day so the post will either come late this evening or very early in the morning. Either way, my early birds will be happy to be able to wake up and not have to wait to read me!


Rock them calves!

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